====== HAUNTED ====== There are entities out in the Vortex that might be considered ghosts by some. Usually a TARDIS shields both against the physical effects of the Vortex and the more insubstantial elements as well. Unfortunately your TARDIS does not always filter or protect the occupants from the potential mind tricks the Vortex plays or the strange entities that inhabit it. This means that voices echo down the corridors, and strange spirits can be glimpsed passing through the walls sometimes. Certain Time Lords actually like these spirits and disable the Vortex Filters intentionally... ===== Effect ===== Wandering around this TARDIS is an unnerving experience for anyone except the operator (who is assumed to be quite used to the apparitions). Whenever any character moves about the TARDIS without the operator, however, there is a 1 in 6 chance that they will encounter a vision or apparition with a Fear Factor of D3 and have to make a Fear test. If they fail, they run out of the area and refuse to enter it again for a number of hours equal to the Level of Failure. This Trait raises the TARDIS’ Story Points by 1. {{tag>trait:bad level:minor object:tardis}}