====== VAMPIRE ====== Vampire Player Characters: * Vampires gain +3 to their Strength. * Vampires get all those nice Vampire traits, with the exception of [[Enslaved]] – a player character Vampire is assumed to have broken free of the control of its master. They instead gain [[Adversary]] (Major) instead. * Being a Vampire costs 6 Character Points and 4 Story Points. All Vampires have the following Traits: * [[Adversary]] (Major): Their former sire. * [[Hypnosis]] (Major): +2 bonus to control another’s actions and feelings. * [[Immortal]] (Major): Vampires are eternal. * [[Indomitable]]: +4 bonus to any rolls to resist psychic control. * [[Psychic]]: +4 against mental attacks and may attempt to read minds. * [[ptraining|Psychic Training]]: +2 bonus to Resolve rolls when trying to resist psychic attack or deception. * [[Telepathy]]: May create a mental link to read minds or converse telepathically. * [[Tough]] (Minor): Reduce total damage by 2. * [[Dependency]] (Major): Suffers a -4 penalty to all rolls if denied blood for a specific period. * [[Distinctive]] (Minor): -2 penalty to rolls to blend in. Others have a +2 bonus to remember or recognise the Vampire. * [[Enslaved]] (if Vampire is an NPC) (Major): Must obey the will of the Vampire who made them, and suffers a -2 penalty to attempts to voice opinion. If the elder Vampire dies, so do its progeny. * [[Frenzy]]: The Vampire must roll to resist frenzy when hungry. Rolls Resolve + Strength against a Difficulty of 12. In a frenzy, the Vampire attacks anything nearby. * [[Obsession]] (Minor): Hungry for the blood of the living. * [[Weakness]] (Minor): -2 penalty to rolls when in the presence of holy objects and certain herbs. {{tag>trait:good level:special object:characters}}