Allied spy, Middle Eastern explorer, and British socialite Freya Stark would be fascinating either as an NPC or as a full-fledged companion for the Doctor. I've written her up as a balanced character, 48 years old in 1945, supposing the Doctor runs into her a few days after V-E day. Part of her charm is that she loves the finer things in life, such as dancing in beautiful dresses at elegant dinner parties, yet has no problem sleeping under the stars, riding on camels, and living on dried goods for weeks when exploring.
Freya Stark
Awareness 4 Coordination 3 Ingenuity 4 Presence 3 Resolve 4 Strength 2
Athletics 2 (Dancing, Equestrian) Convince 3 Craft 2 (Cartography, Fashion) Fighting 0 Knowledge 2 (History, Archaeology) Marksman 0 Medicine 4 Technology 0 Science 0 Subterfuge 3 Survival 6 (Deserts, Mountains) Vehicles 0
Linguist: English, Latin, Persian, Arabic, French, German, Italian Sense of Direction Friends: British Ministry of Information Empathetic Epicurean Tastes (Restriction: Earth, TL5 only) Experienced
Distinctive: Scarred forehead/scalp Compulsion: always wears a hat to cover her scarring, feeling very self-conscious (-2 to Resolve) without one Enemies: Nazis Obligation: British Empire