Prerequisite: Time Lord

The Time Lord is currently or was formerly a member of the Celestial Intervention Agency, a shadow organization on Gallifrey, and is trained in many clandestine skills. Of course, this training comes with a price and the Time Lord will often find their TARDIS, or possibly just their body, hijacked and transported into various strange and dangerous situations whenever their superiors, or former superiors, need their services.


As a Major Trait, the Time Lord receives to a +2 their Subterfuge Skill and a +1 to Knowledge with an Area of Expertise in Secrets of the Time Lords. In addition, once per adventure, at any point they feel it is appropriate, the GM may roll a die. On a 1, the CIA has tasked the Time Lord with a mission that they must complete before they can use their TARDIS again. This goal may or may not have anything to do with the current adventure, but it will certainly make it more difficult, and the Time Lord gets 3 Story Points as compensation.

As a Special Trait, the Time Lord is free from CIA control, probably due to the destruction of Gallifrey or having been released from active duty for services rendered or crimes committed (if the Time Lord has the Wanted Renegade Trait as well). The Special version of this Trait costs 3 Character Points.

This Trait requires Gamemaster permission to purchase. The Gamemaster will also tell you exactly how much your character knows about this highly secretive organization, although he doesn’t necessarily have to tell you everything and not everything he says has to be true!