Not many people experience the clarity and the wonder that is feeling the whole universe. Knowing you’re just a small part in the vast, almost endless universe of planets and possibilities. It can drive some people mad, and others can sense when something is wrong.

This trait is not available to companions, and is normally only for Time Lord characters. However, a rare few aliens and even a few humans may possess this trait as the result of being exposed to the Vortex, or possibly being on the verge of madness like Vincent Van Gogh.


Feel the Turn of the Universe costs 1 point and gives the character an innate ability to sense when something is amiss or unnatural and what needs to be done to set the universe right. This can be anything from sensing that a person has unnatural indestructibility, to knowing that something is disturbing nature or sense if something is tampering with time. They may not know exactly what it is, but they’ll know something isn’t right. The character will sense something is wrong with an Awareness + Ingenuity roll with a +2 bonus – the more successful they are, the clearer the problem will appear, as well as the potential solution.