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When characters are subjected to frequent mind wipes and replacement memories, eventually something slips through the cracks. The character remembers things that clearly can’t be true due to contrary memories or other evidence.


As a Minor Bad Trait, the character remembers something that they apparently did that doesn’t fit with the rest of their memories. This may lead the character to question what actually occurred on a previous mission or what they might have seen that was deemed too sensitive for them to remember. As a Major Bad Trait, the character actually has two conflicting memories. As both can’t be right, either one or both of their memories must be wrong. In both cases, the memory fragments can fuel adventure ideas for the Gamemaster as the character tries to piece together what really happened and whether the memory fragment was a legitimate mistake or something more insidious.

As with Amnesia, this trait adds to the Gamemaster’s workload as they need to come up with the reasons behind the fragments. This trait should be approved by the Gamemaster before purchasing it.


character may have both the Amnesia and Fragments trait.