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Prerequisite: Alien

Many hands make light work, or so they say (though try saying that to Alexander Monro). Taking this trait means that the alien has an additional pair of limbs. This can mean arms or legs or an odd alien limb or tentacle that functions as both. Of course, taking an additional pair of limbs means that the character is usually very obviously an alien in appearance, and will automatically get the Alien Appearance Bad Trait (Minor). The Additional Limbs trait can be taken a second time, giving the alien a cumulative bonus, but their Alien Appearance trait becomes Major.


Additional Limbs is a Minor Good Alien Trait, and costs just 1 point for every additional pair of limbs. If the alien has additional legs, their effective Speed (when calculating chases and alike) is increased by +2. If the limbs are arms, the first additional action in any action round receives no penalty (as they can effectively do two things at once). This trait can be taken twice to create an eight limbed alien, though they will be obviously more alien. Additional limbs can be had on top of this, but they receive no bonus and cost no extra – there comes a point when you have so many legs or arms that it just becomes confusing and you can end up tripping over your own feet.

traits/additional.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/30 01:17 by curufea