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Prerequisite: Alien

Most of the time, simply having a really high Awareness means that your senses are particularly acute. However, some aliens have senses that go above and beyond what is considered normal. It could be that they can see infra-red or ultraviolet ends of the spectrum, they could see the eddies and flows of time, see paradoxes or simply smell their prey from a dozen rooms away. The cost of this trait could easily be offset by the Alien Appearance trait, saying that the character can see phenomenally well, but has big alien eyes.


Alien Senses is a Minor Good Alien Trait. At character creation, the sense that is particularly good (whether this is sight, hearing, smell or something more exotic) should be specified and the particulars of the extraordinary perception (what is so special about it and what is sensed). When the alien uses the sense, it gains a +4 bonus to Awareness rolls but only when using that sense. If the environment effects the sense, this bonus may be reduced. For example, an alien that can see into the infra-red range of the spectrum can see the heat given off by people. He gains a +4 bonus to his rolls when he spots the approaching Sontaran in the dark, but once the shooting starts, and things start exploding, everything will be hot and the bonus from his alien sense will be lost. This trait can be taken multiple times - specify a different sense each time.


Cannot be used with the Keen Senses trait.

traits/asenses.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/30 01:26 by curufea