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Prerequisite: Alien

With the Aura Trait, the alien gives off a strange feeling that affects those near to it. Unlike the Fear Factor Trait, the feeling is not always that of danger. The aura could be a feeling of peace and calm, used as a defence, or perhaps to lull their prey into a false sense of security before the alien attacks.


The Aura Trait is a Minor Good Trait that effects the feelings of people in the near vicinity. The actual effects should be defined at creation of the alien. Multiple effects can be employed but the Trait will have to be purchased multiple times, one for each effect. The alien can choose whether or not to engage the Aura. When active, the Aura reaches to everyone within normal senses range (sight, smell or hearing). Anyone who could be affected will have to make a resisted Resolve and Strength roll (against the Resolve and Strength of the alien producing the aura, though the alien gains a +2 bonus on this roll). If the target fails the roll, they immediately feel the effects of the aura, becoming calm, frightened, sleepy, hungry, in awe or in love, or whatever emotion the alien’s aura produces. They will not be able to resist again until they leave the area of effect (where the effect usually wears off instantly) or unless they spend a Story Point.

traits/aura.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/30 01:30 by curufea