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The character has once been programmed by the Cybermen but managed to retain their own personality. Still, remnants of such programming often remain buried somewhere within their brain and when they lose control that programming can resurface. Having this trait does not necessarily mean that the character is a cyborg; thanks to several invasions the Cybermen have mentally controlled several humans and made them do their bidding without Cyber-conversion. Thus, this trait is equally applicable to previously-controlled humans as well as Cyborgs.


Whenever the character finds themselves in a stressful situation they must make an Ingenuity + Resolve (Difficulty 12) roll. If they fail, then they receive a -2 penalty on every action for the remainder of the scene as they struggle with the psychological horror of what they’ve become or what they’ve done in the past while under Cyber-control.

As a Major Bad Trait, the character retains some of their Cyber-programming. The character still acts as if they had the Minor version of this trait but, if they make a Bad Failure, then they effectively become a Cyberman; they act as if possessed by a regular Cyberman and attempt to complete Cyberman goals, losing their former personality in the process. This effect lasts until the character falls asleep or is incapacitated, during which their mind ‘reboots’ to regain their true personality. On a Disastrous result this change is permanent and the character’s personality is consumed and replaced by Cyberprogramming.


This trait can also be easily re-flavoured for victims of other aliens or creatures that have hypnotised them.

traits/cyber.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/27 00:13 by curufea