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There is something very striking or obvious about your character that makes them stand out in the crowd. Whether they are just tall, short, have coloured hair or are striking in the way they dress or act, they get noticed and people seem to remember them. They’re not going to provoke people pointing and staring, but they’ll certainly be remembered and recognised if encountered again. This doesn’t mean ‘Alien’ in appearance – for example, if Bannakaffalatta walked around on modern Earth he’d provoke a far more extreme reaction than the Distinctive trait; he’d have the Alien Appearance Trait .


This trait works in a couple of ways. If the character is trying to ‘blend in’ or go unnoticed in a crowd, they suffer a -2 penalty to the roll. Also, if they’re seen doing something, or if another character or NPC is asked to describe or remember the distinctive character, they will receive a +2 bonus to remember or recognise them after their initial encounter.


Cannot be taken with the Face in the Crowd trait.

traits/distinctive.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/27 00:17 by curufea