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Prerequisite: Alien

Sometimes, a creature becomes so incensed with rage or bloodlust that they cannot think or act beyond attacking blindly. Creatures that go into these frenzies are incredibly dangerous and able to continue when other creatures would collapse from their wounds.


Frenzy is a Minor Bad Trait that means the alien is susceptible to a maddening rage that takes control of their actions. When they are injured, they must make a Resolve and Strength roll with a Difficulty of 12 plus the amount of damage taken. For example, if the creature takes 6 levels of damage, the Difficulty to resist going into Frenzy is 12+6=18. The more injured it gets, the harder it is to resist the Frenzy. If the alien fails the roll, they enter into the Frenzy and will not stop until they kill the source of their injury (even if this is an inanimate object!). If their target is removed from sight, the creature might begin to calm down after a few minutes but otherwise the bloodlust will be too strong. So strong, in fact, they will ignore all injuries - rolls will be made at the creatures full Attributes - unless the creature sustains enough damage to kill it.

When the target has been eliminated, or removed from harm, the creature will rest and recover from the frenzy and any negative effects from injury will be applied.

traits/frenzy.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/30 01:39 by curufea