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Prerequisite: Alien

Many aliens are immune to one form of harm or another. A former head of UNIT once commented how nice it would be to face an alien enemy that wasn’t immune to bullets! However, being immune to the effects of certain weapons is not as common as he’d liked to believe, and often the cost of this trait is countered by taking the Weakness trait. For example, Autons are immune to bullets – they can be shot many times – but are vulnerable to having their control signal cut off.


Immunity is a Major Good Alien Trait. When taking this trait, the specific thing that the alien is immune to must be clearly defined, whether this is something as simple as bullets, acid, mind control or poison. If the immunity is particularly powerful, such as bullets, the Gamemaster may balance this immunity with a weakness, especially in major Villains or player characters. The trait can be taken multiple times – specify a different immunity each time.

traits/immunity.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/30 01:45 by curufea