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Prerequisite: Alien

The alien has some form of weaponry that is part of their form. This could be something as simple as toxic breath, a poisonous bite or sharp claws, to built in guns or being able to fire sharp spines. As long is it is not something that is usually dropped or carried (like a gun or sword), and is part of the alien (like a Dalek’s gun or a Weeping Angels’ claws) then it is technically a ‘natural’ weapon.


This is a Minor or Major Alien Good Trait that can be purchased multiple times if the creature is particularly dangerous.

As a Minor Trait, the weapon is only for close combat. These are usually teeth, claws, spines or electrical shock or something similar. A weapon like this increases the damage of the usual physical attack by +2, so the alien’s damage is equal to their Strength +2. This increase is just like normal close combat weapons, as the trait adds blades or ‘dangerous’ damage to their physical attack.

As a Major Trait, the weapon shoots something (like a poisonous spine, fingernail, flaming breath or built-in gun). A ranged Natural Weapon will have the same damage (2/5/7) but can reach a greater distance than a simple swipe of a claw.

This trait can be purchased multiple times to reflect various forms of defence that the creature has, or it can work on a single weapon and increase the damage cumulatively. For example, a Dalek has only one weapon (the Exterminator ‘death ray’). It’s a long range weapon that usually kills with one shot, so the Exterminator is worth two Major Natural Weapons Traits, if not more.

traits/natural.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/30 01:50 by curufea