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The character has a duty to a group or organisation and responsibilities that need to be upheld. They may be member of a government agency, such as UNIT, Torchwood, part of the government, a teacher at a school or even a secret order.


Obligation is a Minor or Major Bad Trait, depending upon the responsibilities and the size of the organisation the character is associated with. As a Minor Trait, Obligation means the character belongs to a ‘normal’ organisation. They will not betray their allies and other members, and will be willing to risk a lot for what they believe in. As a Major Trait, Obligation means the organisation is more important than the character. They are always ‘on call’ and may not have time for a personal life. Their dedication is such that they’d be willing to lay down their life for the organisation, and penalties for disobedience or betrayal are severe. The Gamemaster should determine the ramifications of betraying their obligation - from disciplinary action to making a dangerous enemy (see the Adversary trait, pg. 39).

traits/obligation.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/27 00:31 by curufea