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The character has been known to scream in the face of terror on many occasion, and this ear-splitting sound will penetrate miles of corridor to alert others to their location and the imminent threat.


At times when they are scared or threatened, the character can scream their lungs out. No roll is necessary, though using this trait will cost a Story Point. Anything or anyone else in the room will be stunned and will be unable to act for their next action. The Screamer should take their next action running away while the enemy is stunned – they are rarely brave enough to do anything else. The scream also alerts their companions, and the rest of the group will automatically know the direction they are in.


Screamers usually gain this trait from being easily scared. The Screamer trait cannot be taken with Brave and the character will never receive any bonuses when trying resist getting scared (see ‘Getting Scared’ on pg. 94).

traits/screamer.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/26 23:52 by curufea