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The TARDIS has an almost childlike curiosity about other places and times and, if left too long, it will occasionally nip off for short jaunts when its operator is away in order to slake its thirst for knowledge. These trips can last any amount of subjective time, with the TARDIS having many ‘adventures’ of its own, like being worshipped by a strange primitive tribe it is observing or becoming caught in a prehistoric mudslide that leaves a fossil impression destined to blow the minds of future palaeontologists. It will attempt to return to its original point of departure within a few seconds of the time it left, but on occasion a Time Lord will return to find their TARDIS a few yards away from where they landed it, covered in primeval mud that wasn’t there when they left it, or missing altogether when they need it.


Once per adventure, when the GM determines that it has been left on its own for a good bit of time, the TARDIS must make a Resolve roll at a Difficulty of 12 or sneak off on a trip of its own. The results of that trip should be randomly determined (see the Random Trip Table above).

Each trip costs the TARDIS 2 Story Points, one for leaving and one for the return trip, as normal for its use of the Vortex Trait.

This Trait raises the TARDIS’ Story Point total by 1 and the TARDIS Knowledge skill by 1.

2 The TARDIS gets temporally stuck in a time eddy on its way back. It will not reappear until the end of the adventure.
3 The TARDIS misjumps on its return, landing a little too far forward in the future from when it left. It will reappear 2D6x5 minutes after the players find it missing.
4-5 The TARDIS misjumps on its return, landing a 2D6x5 yards off from where it left.
6-8 The TARDIS returns a few seconds after it left and in the same spot.
9-10 The TARDIS returns covered in some sort of strange material, like seaweed or primitive pictograms.
11 The TARDIS creates a bizarre temporal anomaly, like leaving a Police Box shaped fossil impression in the same area the adventure is taking place. This could have major consequences or simply serve to confuse the players who might think it is part of the overarching plot.
12 The TARDIS suffered D6 damage on its trip.
traits/tinsatiable.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/30 18:36 by curufea